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Let your Creatives go wild! Create an amazing campaign, a video ad or a simple short video about what you are offering, then simply send it to us!


Our Geofencing technology allows you to choose where you want to advertise and for how long. You can select the city(s), select the dates, submit for a review and you are are good to go! Don't worry, our vetting time is max 48 hours, with in that time we make sure your ad is A-Ok, and works perfectly on our platform, your payments are in order and we take over the remaining implemetation of your campaigns.


Once your campaign is approved, it is scheduled according to your specifications on our smart and powerful platform. Your viewers are everywhere and we make it possible for you to captivate them with your ads on our unique way of advertising platforms!


Piloter med oss!

Få 80% rabbat de første to månedene. Test oss for å få mest ut av Nordvertise.

Nordvertise Offers:


With an impressive fleet of 100 taxis, Nordvertise provides you with the opportunity to reach approximately 45,000 passengers in Oslo during a 30-day campaign period. In a 15 to 20-second advertisement, you can effectively showcase your ad and encourage action by including a QR code for easy conversion.

Why choose us?


Advertising is to a business, what air is to us all! As a part of your advertising and marketing mix, Nordvertise bridges the gap between digital and physical worlds! We call it the "Phygital Phenomenon!" where a repeated exporsure in close proximity to your ads creates more effective leads and customers.

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82% av befolkningen bor i tett befolkede områder.

Nordvertise Fleet:

Our fleet is comprised of partners working at :

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Competitive Advantages

  • A memorable way of making the most of transit advertising

  • Data Driven

  • Fully Maintained

  • Advanced reports on performance

  • Analysis on performance provided

  • Areas of interest & improvement provided

  • Easily added to your Marketing & Advertising Mix

  • Cost efficient yet equally effective as other OOH Advertising platforms

  • A Fleet that is always on the road

  • A dedicated team that keeps your ads running

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